Saturday 25 December 2010

From Up High

Hey to all out there who see this blog, 
My name is Jack, and as the blog title suggests, I'm a giant, by 1 inch :D 

Suppose I should tell you something about myself;
I'm from Leeds in the UK, I'm 6 foot 7 and I noticed I have alot of different views of the world to my friends, mainly because I am over a foot above some of them, but even people closer to my own height have different views.
Here's an example, Your walking down a long corridor, maybe a hospital or school, someone 5'8" may think "wow, this is a long corridor, taken me five minutes to cross the whole thing", Iv noticed that I would think "God, this corridor has too many doors, I must look like a pigeon walking down here, ducking under every door frame"

Went to an SFX convention in Feb '10, and was told by the man playing Darth Vader that I should be in the suit and not him, he was way to short, maybe around 6'4" and it was bunching around his legs at the bottom.

I suppose I really just wanted to vent into something and made this blog, Feel better already :D 
I don't know if your anywhere near my height, But its remarkably tricky to master lol,

Til next time

Giant Jack


  1. Hi Jack!! B.A.G. is in the house, ha!! Ha!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!! My god, you are 6'7"!! Are you tall or what!!?? I am only 5'8", so I must look like a shrub to you, ha!! Ha!! Before I was married, I went out with a beautiful girl that was 5'10", and I had no problems with it. People are looking at me funny, but who cares, I love my girlfriend!!! I don't care how tall you are, you are always my friend Naquadah_nut. Have a good one!!

  2. My last girlfriend was 5'2"!! loved her all the same, I used to hug her and say, I'm sorry Frodo, I'm a grey wizard and your a hobbit, its just not going to work :D Glad to know I always have a friend, and a famous friend at that! Glad to hear from ya.
    Hope you have a great xmas and new year too

    Jack (Naq_nut)
