Saturday 25 December 2010

From Up High

Hey to all out there who see this blog, 
My name is Jack, and as the blog title suggests, I'm a giant, by 1 inch :D 

Suppose I should tell you something about myself;
I'm from Leeds in the UK, I'm 6 foot 7 and I noticed I have alot of different views of the world to my friends, mainly because I am over a foot above some of them, but even people closer to my own height have different views.
Here's an example, Your walking down a long corridor, maybe a hospital or school, someone 5'8" may think "wow, this is a long corridor, taken me five minutes to cross the whole thing", Iv noticed that I would think "God, this corridor has too many doors, I must look like a pigeon walking down here, ducking under every door frame"

Went to an SFX convention in Feb '10, and was told by the man playing Darth Vader that I should be in the suit and not him, he was way to short, maybe around 6'4" and it was bunching around his legs at the bottom.

I suppose I really just wanted to vent into something and made this blog, Feel better already :D 
I don't know if your anywhere near my height, But its remarkably tricky to master lol,

Til next time

Giant Jack